You see a woman with a full head weave (with or without a closure
piece), lacefront, wig, or long box braids. What is your automatic
You've known a woman for a few years, and ever since the day you met
her, she's worn one or more… or all of the above mentioned. Again,
what is your automatic assumption?
"This heifer is bald."
True wigs, weaves, and braids were brought into play and put to most
use by those who lacked hair and decided to hide whatever of it they
did have left. Bad perms, over-processed relaxers, and damage from hot
comb over use are a few factors that played a huge part in the cover
up back in those days. Heredity, stress, female pattern baldness,
hormones, chemo- therapy, and poor diet have also played a role in a
lesser percentage.
But more, and more these days women… especially women of color who
reverting back to their natural hair state of mind, are using such
styles to protect their hair from being over managed from daily
styling. These styles (when done properly) are excellent techniques to
grow your hair out from a relaxer and to keep ends in a healthy state
to avoid constant trims, which takes the hair length even further.
We as women love to change things up, and look & feel different. That
is mostly reflected in our hair, it's the 1 thing we change most
physically. Our hair is our crowning joy and we like to take pride in
it by adorning and accessorizing it with weaves, wigs and braids.
Especially weaves and wigs, they're the safest way to change lengths,
textures, and colors without damaging or cutting our own hair or
committing to any one thing.
People thought, talked about, and blogged that Tyra Banks was bald
because she seemed to ALWAYS wear a weave. Everyone and their mother
said that Oprah had a wig on her head. All were flabbergasted when
both women revealed their hair lengths for the world to see. People
have become so ignorant to what a weave, wig, or braid styles can do
for your hair's growth. These styles are way, way more than the one
trick ponies you think they are.
Next time you automatically assume that a woman wearing a weave, wig
or braids is hiding something or trying to cover up their lack of hair... think again. Just because you wear a fedora or any other
type of hat, am I to assume that you missed a shampoo? Or, that you
couldn't get it together to get your hair to look like something
and slapped a hat on instead? Or… should I assume you have a bald
patch your hiding??
We have different reasons for doing different things. It's not ok,
is it even fair to automatically assume that all reasons are the same.
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