I received a package of Carol's daughter monoi repairing hair mask a few days ago and decided to try it out yesterday.
I co washed and detangled with my suave humectant conditioner, rinsed then applied CD's hair mask. I left the mask on for about 5 mins, while in the shower allowing the steam to help it penetrate. Then I rinsed with cold water and sprayed my hair with pantene's defending spray. I applied fructis sleek and shine leave in (new formula w/ argan oil) wrapped my hair with my turbie wrap for about a half hour.
I then blow dried my hair on high speed low/ no (cold shot button) heat. Sealed with coconut oil then sectioned off my hair and flat ironed with my slim maxi glide iron, applied fantasia's i.c heat protection serum and bumped my ends with a gold iron. I wrapped my hair applied a little more coconut oil and wrapped with saran wrap abner say under the dryer for 10 mins. Combed down/styled and sprayed very, very lightly with profectiv growth sheen.
I experienced a decent about of growth since the last time I straightened, which was in the beginning of last month. My protective styling technique for the month has been no heat, co wash every few days, moisturize with aussie hair insurance and fructis leave in, and dry in twists overnight with carrot oil on my scalp. I did that for a month and I see the difference.
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Photos are before I bumped my hair. I blow dried and then used the maxiglide for my roots mainly when I bumped it I passed the curling iron over each section before I bumped them. Should have posted the final results photos as well.